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The Facts Behind Visceral Fat and Home Remedies to Flaunt Your Abs - Help Weight Off

The Facts Behind Visceral Fat and Home Remedies to Flaunt Your Abs

The Facts Behind Visceral Fat and Home Remedies to Flaunt Your Abs

The Facts Behind Visceral Fat and Home Remedies to Flaunt Your Abs

The Facts Behind Visceral Fat And Home Remedies To Flaunt Your Abs

Many people nowadays are trying to shed unwanted kilos and get rid of their belly rolls. There are many causes for this, but the biggest lie is that they’re just fat. 

The truth is that visceral fat actually plays a big role in enhancing your health and wellness as well. This article aims at laying out some facts behind visceral fat and home remedies to flaunt those abs you’ll be proud of.

Visceral fat is the most dangerous type of fat. It’s located deep within your abdomen, near your organs and spinal cord. Visceral fat is also called “active fat”. 

The more of this kind of fat you have, the higher your risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke. Visceral fat is different from subcutaneous fat on your arms and legs. 

Subcutaneous fat is actually a good thing because it helps insulate your body against heat loss during exercise and provides padding to protect vital organs such as the heart and liver.


Causes of visceral fat

The followings are the causes of visceral accumulation:



The most common cause of visceral fat is genetics. Genetics can mean that you have a higher percentage of body fat in your belly, hips and thighs compared to your trunk (which includes the stomach, chest and back).

This can be because your genes make you more likely to store fat in these areas of your body.


Poor diet

When it comes to the cause of visceral fat, it is not just about what you eat. It is also about how your body processes the food you eat.

The digestive system breaks down food into nutrients, vitamins, and amino acids that are absorbed into the bloodstream. But this process doesn’t happen in a vacuum—it happens in a small intestine that has been modified over millions of years to digest food efficiently.

When a person eats foods high in sugar and fats, such as carbohydrates and saturated fats, their body does not break them down effectively because their bodies do not have the enzymes needed for digestion. Instead, these foods get stored as fat around their organs (such as the liver and pancreas) which causes visceral fat to form.


Lack of physical activities

Physical activity helps in reducing visceral fat and improves insulin sensitivity. It also reduces risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, inflammation, and oxidative stress.

However, lack of physical activity has been linked to increased visceral fat accumulation. This happens because when you are inactive for an extended period of time, your body undergoes functional changes that cause you to store more energy in your form of visceral fat than what would have been stored if you were active regularly throughout the day.

Hence, it is important that you engage in physical activities which can prevent this type of fat from occurring in your body. 


Smoking and intake tobacco products

Smoking is one of the known causes of visceral fat, which is a type of fat that accumulates in the abdominal cavity and around internal organs.  The main reason why smoking is associated with visceral fat is because it promotes inflammation in the body. 

Smoking also increases levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), which helps determine how much inflammation your body has. This inflammation can lead to insulin resistance, which makes it more difficult for your body to process glucose from carbohydrates.

Insulin resistance is also associated with increased abdominal obesity, another cause of visceral fat buildup. Insulin resistance refers to when cells don’t properly respond to insulin, causing blood sugar levels to spike and then drop rapidly when you stop eating or go too long between meals. 

These changes in blood sugar levels over time can promote inflammation and lead to weight gain around the waist area/.


Consumption of alcohol

One of the reasons why alcohol can cause visceral fat is because it is a diuretic, which means that it causes you to urinate more often than normal. This can lead to dehydration, which can make you retain water and increase your risk for developing conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.

Additionally, alcohol affects your metabolism by increasing insulin resistance, which means that your cells no longer respond to the hormone insulin properly and they will be less able to use glucose (blood sugar) for energy.

It also causes oxidative stress in the body, which increases inflammation and damages cells over time. Worst is that, alcohol consumption has been linked to increased waist circumference and abdominal fat, which may contribute to metabolic syndrome, which increases the risk for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.


Home Remedies to Flaunt Your Abs

These are some of the home remedies you can follow if you want to get rid of that fat and achieve a healthy body.


Warm water with lemon in the morning

Drinking warm lemon water first thing in the morning helps detoxify your body by flushing out toxins from your system or eliminating them through urination. This process happens when you drink a glass of hot lemon water first thing in the morning before breakfast before going to work.

The citric acid in lemons has been proven to stimulate metabolism by reducing food cravings for sweet foods and decreasing appetite through its antinutrients properties. This means that drinking lemon water can help reduce weight gain by making you eat less calories at mealtimes throughout the day because your body doesn’t crave sugary foods.


Go for whole grains

Whole grain foods provide your body with a type of energy that’s created from the entire grain. They contain all of the benefits of grains, but without the refined carbohydrates that often cause blood sugar spikes and spikes in insulin levels. 

In addition, these foods are also rich in fiber, which helps keep your digestion running smoothly. Whole grains have been shown to help with weight loss by reducing hunger and increasing feelings of fullness. 

Because they take longer to digest than other types of carbohydrates, they can also help reduce cravings for sweets and other high-sugar foods that contribute to belly fat gain. In addition to their health benefits, they’re delicious! 

Try adding them to your favorite recipes or snacks like oatmeal breakfast porridge or whole-grain toast with spreads or nut butter!


Sip on hot, organic teas

Tea is a wonderful way to boost your health and well-being. It has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for numerous conditions and diseases, including cancer, heart disease, Parkinson’s disease and more.

The reason why tea can have such a positive impact on your health is because it contains compounds called catechins that help to reduce inflammation in the body. The more inflammation you have, the higher your risk of developing heart disease, stroke and other serious conditions.

Sipping on hot, organic teas with green or white teas can be beneficial for weight loss because they provide antioxidants that help to burn fat in the body.


Try vegan protein smoothie

Smoothies are a great alternative to traditional meals. They’re easy to prepare, portable, and can be customized for your specific needs.

The main benefit of smoothies is that they’re packed with protein, which is essential for building muscle and keeping you energetic throughout the day.

Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle mass or just feel full longer, there’s a smoothie recipe out there for you. If you’re looking for an easy way to boost your protein intake while getting in some extra greens, try Vegan Protein Smoothies diet plan. 

This diet plan will not only help you lose extra pounds but improve your health overall. It includes different smoothie recipes that can be great help if you want to lose visceral fat.


We hope this article has given you helpful insights on how to get rid of visceral fats. Along with some home remedies that will not only help you lose weight but improve your health overall.


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