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Male Yeast Infection: Causes and Home Remedies - Help Weight Off

Male Yeast Infection: Causes and Home Remedies

Male Yeast Infection: Causes and Home Remedies

Male Yeast Infection: Causes and Home Remedies


Male Yeast Infection: Causes And Home Remedies

In men, a yeast infection is called a candidal infection. Candida is a type of fungus that lives in your body and on your skin. 

It’s harmless if it remains in small numbers, but if it grows out of control, it can cause problems like itching, burning or irritation around the penis.

Yeast infections in men are caused by the same fungus that causes vaginal yeast infections. And just like women, men can get them from wearing tight-fitting underwear or clothing made with synthetic materials such as nylon or spandex. 

They’re also more likely to develop candidal infections after having sex with someone who has a vaginal yeast infection. That’s why, if you notice redness and irritation around your penis and especially under the foreskin, you may have a candidal infection. 

It may be accompanied by swelling and pain when urinating (peeing). You might also experience itching and burning inside your penis before urinating or during sex – these symptoms are common with all types of fungal infections but especially those caused by candida species.

The symptoms of male yeast infections vary from person to person. In fact, some men may have no symptoms at all while others experience severe symptoms including itching and swelling that makes it difficult to urinate (pee).


You are more likely develop yeast infection if: 


You have diabetes

Diabetes is a condition where the body is unable to produce enough insulin, or has difficulty using insulin properly. This causes blood sugar levels to rise above normal. 

The body tries to compensate for this by producing more insulin, but this can eventually cause organ damage if not controlled properly. If you have diabetes, you might be more likely to develop male yeast infections because high blood glucose levels make your immune system less effective at fighting off infections. 

This means that your body may not be able to fight off the fungus as well as it should, allowing the fungus to grow and cause an infection.


You are not circumcised

Male yeast infections can affect both circumcised and uncircumcised men, but they tend to be more common in uncircumcised men because they make it easier for bacteria to get underneath the foreskin and lead to inflammation. 

The foreskin is also more likely to harbor bacteria because there’s no way for it to be cleaned like the rest of your genitals can be during daily showers or baths.


You have a compromised immune system

This includes those who have been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS or other forms of immunodeficiency and those who are undergoing cancer treatment such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

The reason for this is that your immune system is responsible for protecting your body from invaders like bacteria and viruses—and also parasites like Candida albicans (the fungus responsible for yeast infections). When your immune system is compromised, it can no longer protect you against these invaders and parasites, which then take over your body and cause symptoms like male yeast infections.



If you are overweight, you are more likely to develop a male yeast infection. Though not everyone who is overweight develops a yeast infection, if you do gain weight, it can cause changes in your body that make it easier for the fungus to grow.

Aside from that, the extra fat around your belly and thighs helps increase the temperature of your genitals. The higher temperature helps the fungus thrive.


Avoid proper bath

When you take a bath, you wash your genitals, which removes all the dead skin cells and other debris from your body. This helps in preventing any kind of infection that might occur due to these dead skin cells.

Contrary, if you do not wash your genitals properly and frequently, then there is a chance that such infections can develop. And since men tend to be less hygienic than women, they are more prone to get male yeast infection than women.


Tips that you should do to prevent this condition from happening


Keep your penis dry and clean

Yeast infections in the groin area can occur when the skin becomes irritated and moist. To prevent or treat a yeast infection, you should always keep your penis clean and dry. 

If you’re uncircumcised, pull back your foreskin after urinating and wash underneath it with mild soap and water. Don’t use soap inside the urethra or on the tip of your penis because this can irritate it.


Don’t wear tight-fitting underwear or pants

Wearing tight-fitting underwear or pants can cause chafing and irritation to the skin of your groin area, which may lead to an infection. Choose loose-fitting underwear made from cotton fabric instead of synthetic fabrics like nylon or polyester that don’t breathe as well as cotton does. 

Wear boxer shorts over briefs to reduce friction on sensitive areas like your testicles and inner thighs, which are more prone to yeast infections than other parts of your body.


Home remedies in treating male yeast infection

Home remedies for male yeast infection are the best and safest way to treat the infection. There are many home remedies for male yeast infection but some of them are more effective than others and can be used to treat the infection in a short period of time.

Some of these home remedies are:

1.Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best home remedies for male yeast infections. It contains acetic acid that kills the fungal infection by destroying its cell walls. 

The acetic acid present in apple cider vinegar helps to reduce inflammation and itching associated with male yeast infections.



Garlic is another great natural remedy for treating male yeast infections. It contains allicin which kills fungi that causes the infection and also reduces inflammation associated with it. 

You can mix garlic juice with water and drink it every day until you get relief from your symptoms.



Yogurt contains live cultures of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis that can help restore the natural balance of good bacteria in the vagina. These good bacteria can help to prevent overgrowth of Candida albicans, which is the type of yeast that causes most yeast infections.

Yogurt is used orally to treat a yeast infection. It’s also possible to make your own yogurt using a starter culture purchased at your local health food store or online.


In conclusion, male yeast infections are common and can be treated with home remedies, but they can also lead to serious health issues. That’s why, if you have a male yeast infection, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.


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