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7 Easiest Ways To Get Rid of Love Handles In Men - Help Weight Off

7 Easiest Ways To Get Rid of Love Handles In Men

7 Easiest Ways To Get Rid of Love Handles In Men

7 Easiest Ways To Get Rid of Love Handles In Men

7 Easiest Ways To Get Rid Of Love Handles In Men

Are you struggling with how to get rid of love handles in men? Most of us have a little bit of unwanted fat around the sides of our stomachs.

It can really be an obstacle to your fitness goals, and may even lead to long-term health problems if not tackled early enough. Whether you want to know how to get rid of love handles or how to lose love handles, you’ve come to the right place.


What are Love Handles?

Love handles are a slang term for fat that accumulates below the waistline in the lower body, usually just above the buttocks. They are also sometimes called “muffin tops.”

Anyone can develop love handles, but they are more common in men than women. Men tend to store fat around their middles, while women tend to store fat on their hips. 

The fat around the middle is more of an aesthetic concern for men because it can make clothes look baggy and unflattering. It is important for men to get rid of love handles if they want to look good and stay healthy. 


There are several ways you can reduce your love handles; this includes the following:


1. Focus on healthy fats

The best way to lose love handles is to eat fewer carbs and more healthy fats. Fats like avocado, coconut oil, olive oil and eggs provide your body with energy and make food taste good! 

They also help keep your cholesterol levels in check so that you don’t have to worry about having heart disease later in life. Aside from that, protein helps build muscle mass and keep it strong, which means that it can also help you lose weight. 

It also keeps you feeling fuller longer than carbs do because it takes longer for your body to digest proteins than carbohydrates.In fact, eating too many carbs can cause insulin spikes that lead to cravings for more carbs later on. 

Eating more protein on the other hand will keep these spikes from happening so often and keep your cravings under control!


2. Cut out added sugar

Sugar is a source of empty calories, and it has no nutritional value. Not only that, but it can also lead to weight gain and health problems.

Unfortunately, sugar is found in many foods, including breads, cereals and processed foods. Even though it may not be listed as an ingredient, your body still processes the sugar from those foods just like it does from candy or soda.

If you want to lose weight, then you need to reduce your intake of these foods that contain added sugars. You also need to focus on eating whole grains instead of refined grains and potatoes instead of white rice or pasta.

It’s not easy to cut back on sugar when you’re used to having it in your diet every day, but once you start feeling healthier, you’ll be glad that you did!


3. Move out throughout the day

If you stay still for too long, your body will start to accumulate fat in certain areas, like your hips and thighs. That’s because when you sit or lie down for an extended period of time, there’s no muscle activity going on.

This means that there is no muscle contraction pulling on your fat cells and causing them to burn energy, so they just keep storing it up instead.

So what can you do about it? The answer is simple: move more! Move around as much as possible throughout the day and avoid sitting or lying down for long periods of time. 

You can even schedule breaks into your workday so that you get up and walk around every hour or so, even if it’s just for a few minutes at a time!


4. Stress less

Stress is one of the main causes behind love handles in men. Stress can cause high levels of cortisol in your body, which will make it easier for fat to be stored around your waistline. 

Cortisol also suppresses leptin, which is a hormone that tells your brain when you’re full after eating something. Additionally, stress also makes it harder for your body to burn fat because stress triggers the release of insulin into your bloodstream, which stops fat burning and encourages sugar storage by converting sugar into glycogen or fat cells if there isn’t enough glycogen available.

If you have high levels of cortisol in your body, then this means that it will take longer for your body to burn fat and lose weight because cortisol inhibits certain hormones such as thyroid hormones, adrenaline and growth hormone from working properly.

So to lessen the feeling of being stressed, you can do the following:

  • Meditation – helps you relax by shutting off the parts of our brain that trigger stress responses. It also helps us focus on things that make us happy instead of worrying about things that might happen in the future.
  • Yoga – helps reduce stress because it allows us to focus on breathing and relaxing our muscles which are both essential aspects when trying to reduce stress levels in our lives in general. Good thing that yoga can be done by anyone with no limited time.  Thus, if you want a more guided yoga routine, we recommend that you try the Shapeshifter Yoga. This yoga class offers not just a manual in doing your yoga poses but can be accessed in a virtual yoga class.
  • Exercise – exercising regularly is obviously another great way to reduce stress levels as well as helping us burn fat which helps us lose weight overall!



5. Lift weights

Lifting weights helps build lean muscle tissue, which raises your metabolism and burns more calories throughout the day than fat does. When you lift weights, you’re actually breaking down the muscle fibers in your body, triggering the release of anabolic hormones that repair and rebuild those damaged tissues (aka “the pump”). 

This can help increase your basal metabolic rate for hours after you leave the gym, meaning that even when you’re not working out, your body is still working hard to maintain its new shape! In addition to helping burn fat, lifting weights also helps improve your overall health and fitness level. 

You’ll be stronger and have more energy than you’ve ever had before!


6. Get enough sleep

It may seem like a little thing, but getting enough rest can make all the difference in how your body looks. If you aren’t sleeping well, then this will likely cause your body to produce more cortisol (a stress hormone) which will cause your body to store fat around the waistline.

Additionally, sleeping well helps us to control our appetite by regulating our hunger hormones. If we don’t get enough sleep, our levels of hunger hormones increase, making us feel hungrier when we eat less than usual. 

If we don’t get enough sleep and then binge on junk food while watching TV or playing video games late at night, this can cause more weight gain than if we were getting enough sleep every night. Getting enough sleep also helps keep our blood sugar levels steady throughout the day so that we don’t experience sudden drops in energy followed by cravings for sweet foods like cake or cookies (which also contain lots of sugars). 

These sudden drops in energy during the day can lead us to eat more than we need, which leads to weight gain over time.


7. Increase your cardio

The secret to getting rid of love handles is to burn more calories than you consume. If you are trying to lose weight, then cardio is a must. 

The best way to do this is by doing cardio exercises that will raise your heart rate and keep it elevated for at least 20 minutes. By doing this, you will burn fat more quickly and efficiently than if you were just sitting around. 

And if you combine cardio with weight training, then you will get even better results!

Here are some of the ways to get rid of love handles:

  • High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) – This type of exercise burns more calories in less time than low intensity cardio does. You can also do HIIT with weights or just your body weight if it’s easier for you. Just make sure that it is high intensity and short duration so that it keeps your heart rate up the entire time!
  • Running-  is one of the most effective ways to burn fat quickly because it raises your heart rate fast and keeps it high while you run. It also works all of your major muscle groups so it’s great for building muscle too!

However, you have to be consistent in order for any exercise program to work — especially one aimed at losing weight and getting rid of love handles. 

If you skip days or weeks between sessions, then the results won’t be as good as if you’d been consistent from the beginning. Keep this in mind when planning your schedule so that you don’t end up skipping workouts because of other commitments or because it’s just too hot outside!

We hope this article has been helpful and that you now have a better understanding of how to get rid of your love handles. 




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